Jay apparently went into the service shortly after graduation. He married Nancy Shrock in 1967 and then was remarried to Lesli Hankenson in 1980. He lived most of his life in the Pacific Northwest before he passed away on October 9, 1992. I wish I knew more about his life and his passing as I remember Jay from Cedar Hills Grade School. He was a big guy who was friendly and easy-going.
Rest in peace, my friend. Terry Schumacher
Thomas Russell Jones II (Tom)
Jay was the funniest guy in the lunch room and kept me in stiches. We would meet occasionally after graduation to "party down" as he put it. Unfortunatly he was in bad shape the last time I saw him and I could see the he lived his life fast and without much caution. The results was showing then (somewhere in the 80's). He looked "rode hard and put away wet" as they say in the movies. I left him there in an apartment just off 185th in the Aloha area that last time feeling sadness and pitty for the loss of a good friend and the waste of a brilliant mind.