Ray Brown

Profile Updated: August 3, 2023
Ray Brown
Residing In: Columbus, OH USA
Spouse/Partner: Barbara
Occupation: Retired
Children: Tyler
Military Service: Army Security Agency  
Yes! Attending Reunion

Short Attention Span Version:

graduated college in 3 years, married an amazing woman, survived war, got Masters Degree, raised an amazing son, survived cancer, retired in one piece, found happiness along the way

For Those Who Have More Time:

I graduated from William Jewel College (in Missouri) after 3 years in 1968.

My wife Barbara and I were married in December 1968. We have shared 54 plus years of marriage together. We met at William Jewel College in Liberty MO.

I joined the Army and was trained in the Vietnamese language. I was a translator during my tour. When I returned I worked as an instructor of Vietnamese at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA.

I earned a Masters degree from the University of Oklahoma in Political Science in 1977.

Barb and I have one son, Tyler. He is an architect in Chicago and a Partner in his firm. He is the best architect in Chicago, too.

I developed cancer and was treated with radiation. At my last visit with the oncologist he said “I never say ‘cured’ but this is what cured looks like. I am lucky and blessed.

I have been retired for some time now. I worked for insurance companies and was usually the VP responsible for statutory reporting and accounting. Oddly, there is no political science in there.

Thanks to Sunset High School for helping me find the right tools for building a life.

School Story:

My family moved from Columbus Ohio to Beaverton in December of 1961. We found friends and welcoming teachers. School was difficult but I made it!

What grade school did you attend?

Fishinger Road School
Upper Arlington Ohio

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Ray Brown has a birthday today.
Aug 22, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Ray Brown added a comment on his Profile.
Aug 02, 2024 at 11:10 PM
Ray Brown has a birthday today.
Aug 22, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Ray Brown posted a message.
Aug 03, 2023 at 6:43 PM

Bill was my twin brother. Sadly, he passed away in September, 2015.

Ray Brown updated his profile. View.
Aug 03, 2023 at 6:38 PM
Ray Brown posted a message.
Jul 23, 2023 at 11:59 AM

I suppose it is as beautiful out there as it was when we first moved to Beaverton